2021 marks the commencement of a legal mandate that all new pool pumps must be variable speed. If you have a single speed pump, you will not be required to upgrade, but you may want to consider taking advantage of the $250 rebate offered by the state of Arkansas. It is a requirement though, if you are replacing a pump or building a new swimming pool.
Those of you who already have a pool, particularly an older one, may grow weary of your electric bill running in the triple-digits each month. An outdated pump is the likely culprit. Aged pumps are among the most inefficient pieces of energy-consuming equipment around the home. A variable speed pump can net up to 75% energy savings.
Let’s define the terms. A single speed pump, as the name suggests, operates at a static RPM, all the time. A variable speed pump, operates at a dynamic RPM, at different times.
Running the pump at a slower speed, at the appropriate times, is a big energy-saver! Conversely, the ability to run the pump at a higher speed than what can be achieved by a single speed, may be advantageous under certain circumstances.
Lastly, the question that is undoubtedly on the tip of your tongue; how much does a variable speed pump cost? It will cost approximately twice as much as a standard, single speed pump, however, with the energy savings, it will pay for itself in under two years.
If you have any questions about variable speed pumps, or would like an estimate for purchase and installation, feel free to call us or stop by the store!